Student Leadership is Important in School
As students mature as leaders, they naturally gain more independence in both their social and academic lives. By assuming responsibility, they demonstrate a willingness to help others, to listen empathetically, and to make sound decisions. Helping students to develop these character traits is why student leadership is very important in school.
Becoming leaders themselves shows students that a leader is not only in a person in charge of a group but someone who can lead quietly by example, whether it be on a sports team, or by doing the right thing when others are looking and more importantly when others are not.
Students learn that leadership involves responsibility in several areas.
Student leadership encompasses learning to:
Take responsibility for oneself which includes developing independence academically and personally;
Taking care of their individual workspace, classroom and campus;
Helping each other through the learning process;
Having a positive mindset;
Developing a voice; and
Stretching beyond themselves to help others.
Students learning leadership skills not only benefits their development but it also helps their interactions with others. It helps students learn the importance of watching out for one another in and out of the classroom, settling their own social issues with the guidance and modeling of the teacher; and making the decision to join team sports and participate in class meetings.
At The Country School, one of our Signature Programs is Elmore Leadership. It is our firm belief that all students are leaders, but their roles and responsibilities appropriately vary. Leadership is ingrained in almost everything we do: in the classroom, on the athletic field, throughout our outdoor education program, in our musicals, and Student Leadership Team. Opportunities exist everywhere, and students are actively encouraged by their peers, teachers and advisors to engage themselves to the best of their abilities.